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Entryways & Doors
Book-Matched Australian Cypress Front Entrance
This Brays Island, South Carolina Plantation home front entrance was made using restoration glass and book-matched Australian Cypress for the doors and transom sash.
As with all of Buzzy’s exterior doors, when book-matching is requested, he uses a unique, traditional technique to ensure stability and achieve the book-matched look he’s famous for.
Figured Cherry Book-Matched Front Entrance
This technique involves taking a stable wood, like mahogany, and ripping it into 1 ½" strips, reversing the grains, and gluing it back together to create a solid core. To this core he applies a ¼" solid wood veneer made in the shop. By making his own veneer out of thick pieces of solid wood, Buzzy can slice one piece several times and butterfly them on the door front to achieve that book-matched, wood grain pattern.
Restoration glass was used in the sidelights as well as the four glass panels in the door of this Brays Island, South Carolina Plantation home’s entryway.
Not only does this give the entrance a sense of age, but it also allows for privacy by distorting the view.
All the stiles, rails, and panels are book-matched throughout this entranceway to achieve a continuous flow of grain and tone.